Redevelopment Concept Plan Project

Redevelopment Concept Plan Project for the Former Creamery Site

The Village of Turtle Lake is embarking on a project to explore new possibilities for the former Turtle Lake Creamery Site, located at 120 Railway Ave, adjacent to historic downtown and the Cattail Trail. The Village received an $18,000 Technical Assistance Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to create a redevelopment concept plan for the 1-acre site.
What is a Redevelopment Concept Plan?

A redevelopment concept plan is a high-level overview of a proposed redevelopment project. The concept redevelopment plan for Creamery Site includes the following elements:
○ Site Analysis: An assessment of the current conditions of the site, including any physical deficiencies or environmental issues.
○ Vision and Goals: The overall vision for the redevelopment and the specific goals the project aims to achieve.
○ Land Use Plan: A layout showing how the land will be used, including residential, commercial, and public spaces.
○ Design Guidelines: Architectural and design standards to ensure the development is cohesive and aesthetically pleasing.
○ Infrastructure Plan: Details on necessary infrastructure improvements, such as roads and utilities.
○ Implementation Plan: A timeline for the different stages of the redevelopment project.

It’s important to understand that a concept plan serves as a preliminary vision for the redevelopment project.
While it outlines the general ideas and goals, it is not a final blueprint. The concept plan is subject to change based on various factors, including community feedback, regulatory requirements, and further detailed planning.

How can you get involved in the project?
Turtle Lake is inviting community members and anyone interested in participating in the visioning process
for the redevelopment concept plan to attend a Public Workshop on Wednesday, February 12th. The
workshop will be open house style, allowing participants to stop in anytime between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
at the Turtle Lake Village Hall, 114 Martin Avenue East, Turtle Lake, WI 54889.

The February 12th Public Workshop is the first of two events open to the public. Attendees will participate in
interactive activities to determine potential uses for the site, including layout, architecture, and structure sizes.
Village staff and the consultant team from Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH®) will facilitate activities and
gather feedback. A second event in early summer 2025 will provide an opportunity to review and comment on
the preferred concept plan.

For questions about this project, please contact:
○ Karen Jenkinson, Village Clerk, Turtle Lake, (715) 986-2241, extension 5,
○ Corey Davis, Director of Public Works, Turtle Lake, (715) 986-2820,
○ Laurie Miller, Urban Planner, SEH, (414) 949-8969,