Memorial Day Services
When:The Donalds-Hylkema American Legion Post 137 will be traveling to several area cemeteries and memorial locations to pay tribute to our fallen Veteran's.
The locations and start times are as follows:
9:30 AM - Turtle Lake Village Park for those buried in foreign lands.
9:45 AM - Bethany Cemetery, West of Twin Town
10:00 AM - St. Charles Cemetery, Cty. D
10:15 AM - Moon Lake Cemetary, Cty K
10:30 AM - St. Ann's Cemetery, Cemetery Rd Turtle Lake
10:45 AM - Mount Hope Cemetery, US Hwy 63 South.
11:00 AM - Lakeview Cemetery, North 2nd St.
11:15 AM - Wayside Boat Landing, Upper Turtle Lake East wayside for those lost at sea.
Anyone who knows of a US Veteran's grave at one of the listed locations that does not have a flag, please call Dale Hove at 715-541-2012 or Stretch Broker at 715-556-5664