
Here are a few answers to common questions and access to election results.

 Local Results

Barron and Polk Counties : General Election November 5th 2024
Total Voters Barron County:448
Total Voters Polk County: 38

Statewide Referendum Question:394 - Yes, 67-No

Harris/Walz: 152

US Senator
Tammy Baldwin: 158
Eric Hovde: 298

Congress District 7
Kyle Kilbourn: 142
Tom Tiffany: 327

Assembly District 75
Jane Kleiss: 10
Duke Tucker: 27

Assembly District 67
Jeff Foster: 142
David Armstrong: 289








 Registering to Vote


How Do I Register to Vote?
Any resident who would like to register to vote can easily register online at MyVote.wi.gov or come into the Turtle Lake Village Hall and fill out a Registration Application. Bring with you a valid Picture ID and proof of residency.

For acceptable ID's and Proof of Residence please visit MyVote.wi.gov



 Where do I vote?

If you reside in the Village of Turtle Lake, WI, the polling location is located in the Village Hall Municipal Building, in the Municipal Chambers, located at:

114 Martin Avenue East
Turtle Lake, WI 54889


 How do I Vote Absentee?

Not all voters can get to the polling place on election day. An absentee ballot is the printed ballot marked by an absent voter, sealed in a special envelope, and given or mailed to the municipal clerk. If completed accurately according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission standards, the absentee ballot is counted as if the voter had cast the ballot in person.

Two ways to request an absentee ballot:

  1. Go to MyVote.wi.gov and click on Vote Absentee or
  2. Request a ballot in writing from the Municipal Clerk by completing the Application For Absentee Ballot (EL-121) or by letter or email to your municipal clerk requesting an absentee ballot.  

Note: Voters can select elections they want to vote absentee or for the calendar year but a NEW request must be made every year, it is not ongoing.

You can find your municipal clerk on the MyVote Wisconsin website: MyVote.wi.gov by searching for your voter record or performing an address search.

You will need to provide a copy of your acceptable photo ID with your absentee ballot request.More information about the photo ID requirement can be found at MyVote.wi.gov/PhotoID

  Who should I contact with further questions?

Who Do I Contact?

Municipal Clerks manage elections locally and report results. Contact your municipal clerk regarding any of the following:

  • Voting Absentee (Early Voting)
  • Registering to Vote
  • Polling Place/Hours
  • Interest in being a poll worker
  • Complaints or Concerns